Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 7/22/09

Amended and Approved on September 2, 2009



Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser, Clerk  

Amanda Sloan  

David Milowe



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant



Robin Estrin, 66 Cheryl Drive

Dave Welch,  Easton

George Aronson, 229 Billings Street

Rick Merrikin,  Millis

Eamon McGilligan,  50 Franklin Street, Boston

Tom Houston,  PSC

Lucas Klim, 1135 Pearl Street, Brockton

Jon Shocket,  Eisenhower Drive

Gary Bertoee,  220 South Street, Canton,


Attorney Robert Shelmerdine



Form A

1.  811 Bay Road - Ms. Price moved to approve the Form A plan as submitted as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law, and to authorize Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain to sign the mylars, on behalf of the Planning Board, for the plan of land in Sharon, MA prepared by Garcon Corporation. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


2.  229 Billings Street and the corner at East Street – These two lots are being divided into three lots with a portion being given to Mr. George Aronson. Ms. Price moved to approve the Form A subject to converting the transposition of lots 1 and 2 on the plan and subject to rotation of frontage requirements for the plan submitted for 235 Billings Street dated 4/17/09 for applicant DKW Builders and George and Janet Aronson as not requiring subdivision approval, And to authorize Peter O’Cain to sign the Form A on behalf of the Planning Board. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Ms. Price moved to approve the plan for 229 Billings Street as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law and to authorize Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain to sign the mylars which show merging Parcel A to the existing property at 229 Billings Street into a single lot and subject to revising the locus map accordingly. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Post Office Square contract for zoning bylaw revisions and renderings

Mr. Eamon McGilligan from Land Strategies, LLC provided the Board with a brief overview of a scope of services and cost to prepare new zoning and renderings for Post Office Square. A brief discussion ensued. Mr. Hauser stated that from a zoning perspective, the renderings could be used as illustrations at Town Meeting, used for Economic Development presentation as well as being useful to show to other committees. Mr. Lauenstein reiterated that he wants the final product to be useful.  Ms. Sloan recommended that the plan include labeling on the drawings so people can clearly understand present and future views of the space. At the meeting the contract for $14,100 was signed by Chair Paul Lauenstein using Kendall Funds for payment.  

Continuance of Hunter’s Ridge Public Hearing

Mr. Lauenstein summarized the discussions from the previous meeting in which the modification of the decision for Hunter’s Ridge was discussed. He stated that Tom Houston of PSC drafted the decision and asked if the Planning Board was comfortable to vote.


Mr. Lauenstein said there are a number of best practice items built into the draft decision for low impact development such as drought tolerant grass, rain gardens, water conservation measures like low flow fixtures and recommended that the applicant meet with the Energy Advisory Committee concerning lowering utilities cost. The decision would address this and the fate of the clubhouse. It will also help to resolve issues with abutters if an impass is reached. Mr. Hauser commented that there needs to be something in writing that Mr. O'Cain can validate information against. Mr. Shelmerdine said he must obtain agreements with the abutters and at present has 4/5 out of approximately 20. Ms. Sloan suggests that each abutter sign off on a plan of what their property will look like with either a fence or tree barrier. Mr. O’Cain stated that he wants a table of what abutters want that includes installation deadlines. Mr. Shelmerdine agreed to obtain a new landscaping plan for the buffer zone within 60 days.  Mr. Shelmerdine will work with Mr. O’Cain to prepare a listing of all properties that do not require the fence or trees as it is only applicable to properties where the 20 foot buffer has been stripped.


Mr. Houston stated that two review cycles of the document have occurred. He reviewed input from some Board members and has additional feedback to integrate. The initial decision is based on the original 2004 project. This new decision adds conditions such as environmental quality issues, storm water management, and an enhanced landscaping plan. The landscaping plan will control the buffer plantings. He recommended Mr. Shelmerdine send certified letters to the abutters to create a legal record. Mr. Hauser requested that Mr.  Shelmerdine provide the Planning Board with a schedule of what is to be accomplished with each abutter, and a calendar showing the schedule of abutter meetings.


Ms. Price moved to continue the public hearing to July 28th. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Next Meeting Dates

The next meeting is scheduled for July 28th at 6:30 PM at the Department of Public Works to continue the discussion regarding the decision.


Eisenhower Drive Extension

Mr. Shocket told the Board that he could not obtain permeable asphalt but instead could build an infiltration trench in the sidewalk. Ms. Price moved to approve an alteration to the previous decision requiring permeable asphalt and to approve the Plan of Eisenhower Drive. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0.


Meeting Conclusion

The meeting ended at 10:00 PM.